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  • Jessi Trilli

Reflecting on 2023

As we are close to wrapping up an eventful 2023, Priority Management & Design, LLC has emerged as a company and we are ready for the future! Let's take a quick look back at the highlights that shaped our amazing year!

The spolight of our achievements shines brightly on the successful rebranding of PMD. Our revamped image, coupled with strategic marketing, has positioned us for even greater success. In addition, we spread our wings and established a strong presence in three new markets - South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

With great success comes many challenges, and 2023 was no exception. Hiring skilled employees and reliable subcontractors proved to be a significant hurdle. However, our team's commitment and resilience shined through as we revamped our vetting process, ensuring that only the best join our team!

2023 saw us revolutionize our approach with a "one-stop-shop" strategy for client needs. Clear communication, both internally and with clients, became top priority, fostering success stories and strengthening our client relationships.

A major technological leap took place as we transitioned to a fully cloud-based environment. This move enhanced remote access for employees and facilitated seamless interactions with our clients, contributing to our overall performance.

Our commitment to community outreach took a new form with the establishment of our non-profit, Fellowship of Business Minds. By supporting local charities, initiating team-building events, and launching our new traning academy for business, we aim to be an active and vocal entity within our communities.

A special nod goes to Jessi Trilli, one of our Marketing Coordinators, who played a vital role in the success of our rebranding. As she embarks on her journey to become an elementary school teacher, we express our deepest gratitude and wish her all the best.

Our goals for 2024 are simple, yet ambitious. We hope to continue growing our teams, providing exceptional customer service, and nuturing the success of our non-profit initiative. Exciting projects and partnerships await, promising another year of growth and accomplishment.

Our culture remains rooted in putting employees first, with communication, teamwork, and integrity at the core. A committment to putting God first guides us daily, fostering a positive workplace environment.

As we bid farewell to 2023, PMD stands tall, positioned for ever greater achievements in the years to come. Here's to the journey ahead! Happy holidays!

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